Automated Remote Office Selection

2 votes

The feature would allow for the ability to automate the assignment of a pool of numbers to a remote office seat based upon various criteria. This would be a great feature addition to businesses that utilize an on-call rotational system by automating the assignment of the end-user instead of having to update it through the portal.

A pool of numbers is assigned to the feature and cycles based upon customer provided criteria such as:
Number of consecutive days
Day of the week
Or utilizing a customized time schedule (with number assignment) similar to a call forward selective set.

"Business X" has a help desk that operates M-F, 8:30 AM - 5 PM. Outside of those hours, there is an on-call tech to respond to calls. They want to keep the voicemails on-platform to an email distribution list for accountability purposes and have a set schedule with four technicians with a one-week on-call shift without having to login to the personal portal of the remote office seat each week.

Not planned Ossmosis Suggested by: Paul Ethridge Upvoted: 09 Oct, '20 Comments: 0

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